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Ask Quid FAQs

Get the answers to commonly asked questions about Ask Quid.

Stephanie avatar
Written by Stephanie
Updated over 2 months ago

How do I ask for data analysis?

Simply chat with Ask Quid in natural language by specifying keywords, metrics, date ranges, filters, and chart types. For example:

  • "Find the number of people talking about AI but not about OpenAI."

  • "Summarize how are people talking about taxes in last day that negative and in US."

  • "Filter to Super Bowl and then give me top 10 hashtags."

What types of data can Ask Quid analyze?

Ask Quid can analyze the following types of data:

  • Real-Time News and Social: The last 30 days of social media and web news data.

  • Quid Monitor Topics: Up to 27 months of data from any topic accessible to you through your Quid Monitor account.

  • News/Blogs: Up to 3 years of premium LexisNexis news and blogs data.

  • Earnings Calls: Fortune 500 Earnings call data.

  • Consumer Reviews: A Quid Monitor topic containing online reviews.

How do I specify the sentiment of the data I want to analyze?

You ask for positive sentiment, negative sentiment, or all sentiment classifications. For example:

"Find the number of people discussing Tesla that are negative."

What kind of metrics can you provide?

Ask Quid can provide metrics such as the number of posts, people, authors, positive and negative posts, Net Sentiment, Potential Impressions, and Passion Intensity.

How do I get a summary of what people are saying about a topic?

Request a narrative summary or a positive/negative summary of the discussions around a specific topic. For example:

"Summarize how are people talking about taxes in last day that negative and in US."

Can I filter the data by specific sources or post types?

Yes. You can filter data by sources like Twitter, Facebook, or blogs and by post type, such as original posts, replies, or reposts.

How do I get sound bites from the data?

You can request sampled sound bites from the data matching your search query. For example:

"Show me sound bites from authors in the UK."

Can I get insights on specific authors or domains?

Yes. You can request insights on top authors, domains, hashtags, and more.

How do I specify the language of the data I want to analyze?

Simply specify the language you want to analyze. For example:

"Return all sound bites in French where people in Canada talking about electric bikes."

What languages does Ask Quid support?

Ask Quid supports all languages that are fully supported by Quid Monitor in addition to:


For the full list of supported languages in Quid Monitor, click here.

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